Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Recipe Tuesday

Recipe Tuesdays are, of course, for contributing recipe ideas.

Here's one: Arugula and Cheese make a Perfect Omelet.

Also, that Thai Beef Chard Wrap from last week is really, really good! Worth trying!

And these ideas from the Nygards, which they highly recommend, especially the first one:

Sauteed Zucchini

Gently saute thinly sliced zucchini in 2-3 T in olive oil for 1.5 pounds of zucchini
1 garlic clove, thinly sliced.
Sprinkle lightly with salt and a little pepper
Put in serving dish, then put chopped basil and crumbled feta on top.

Sauteed Zucchini with garlic and lemon

Saute thinly-sliced zucchini in olive oil
Add sliced garlic (2 cloves worth), being careful not to let it turn brown.
Sprinkle salt and pepper as it sautes.
Put in serving dish, tossing with lemon, dill, basil, and parsley.

Who else?

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