Friday, August 28, 2009

Today's Harvest Postponed

I stepped out of my truck at 5:15 this morning into ankle deep water. After a review of the garden and driveway of the Center, we decided to postpone harvest. Harvest pick-up will be tomorrow, Saturday morning at 8:00 am. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Thinking of my Irish ancestors who left Ireland due to potato famine, I tore out seven rows of blighted tomatoes this morning. Thank God we eat more than tomatoes and potatoes. But blight? It's horrible, turning beautiful tomatoes into wretched blackened compost.

We still have tomatoes, but there is no guarantee for how long or how many. Cross your fingers, say your prayers, be grateful this won't send you down to Passage West (Ireland) and out to sea looking for a new home. If it does, let me know, I'll put some corn in your bag.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

A Rambling Garden Update

Look around, things are in various stages of growth, from seedling to dead overgrown plants. The tomatoes are still producing but have some disease - not blight, or they would be completely dead. Even the late planted tomatoes are suffering from the wet weather. The eggplant is thriving, as are the peppers. The potatoes are harvested; many were overly wet from all the drainage from the fields above the Center. It's fun having green, yellow, and purple beans to choose from. I was blessed last week to see some of our members at the garden for close to two hours, carrying away bags of produce. It makes all the hard work worth it. We're officially settling on our house tomorrow, so if you come after 2:00 I won't see you. Thanks for all your support. Our waiting list is growing thanks to your many referrals.