Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Recipe Tuesday

Here is an informal recipe I got from Bill (one of our members):

Pickled Beets
Cooked beets, sliced
A pickling solution made from 50% water and 50% vinegar, and then sugar added to taste.

Put the beets in the vinegar-sugar-water in the fridge for a day or so. Then, eat them! They're good! I'm sure most of you know this dish or have eaten it before.

Also, here are some links to other beet recipes, kindly supplied by my friend Erin:

Roasted Beets with Feta

Beet and Pear Puree


And here is a link to a swiss chard recipe that looks really great:

Thai Swiss Chard Wraps

Any others?


Owlhaven said...

Thanks for the link!

Mary, mom to many

Kris, Sarah, Evan, Isaiah, Elena, and Anna said...

Here's a yummy recipe with radishes - I found it in a comment someone posted on the owlhaven blog.

Chop up radishes and shallots, I used approximately equal amounts, and then saute them in olive oil with a little butter. Mix in a little sugar, lemon juice, and salt. It tasted great on crackers and on some italian bread we had with dinner tonight! Even the kids seemed to like it, although they didn't devour it like Kris and I did! :)
